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Sedbergh Reunion - Don't Forget!

We are ready at this end; the countdown has begun.

Don't forget to report in at the station anytime from 9 to 5 on Saturday. If you are later than 5pm, look for the large map outside the Tourist Bureau door; it will give directions to the Village Hall of Notre Dame de Bon Secours. When you arrive there (you'll know you have because there is a large blue and white tent outside the building), you'll be able to report in and get your nametags.

Don't forget to wear your nametags.

Don't forget that the dress for the weekend is "casual" except for Saturday evening where men are encouraged to wear a jacket and tie and women a dress or slacks.

Don't forget that the temperature can drop quickly in the evenings in September.

The weather gods have decided to make life a wee bit difficult on Saturday, but Sunday they promise some sunshine at the Lake.

Don't forget that we are visitors in someone else's home when we arrive in the Valley on Sunday morning. We are welcome there from 10:00am until noon.

Don't forget that Sedbergh clothing and other artifacts are on sale in the Village Hall on Sunday from 9am to 5pm. Prices are ridiculously low. Cash only.

Finally, don't forget to enjoy yourself.

See you on Saturday!

Best regards,
